Using the Drupal platform for website development comes with many advantages. The platform offers scalability, an extensive range of functionalities, flexibility, and security. Most of these advantages can be tapped with expertise by a professional Drupal Development Team. However, it is important to note that the platform’s prime advantage of security can only be tapped if the website owner stays alert and takes relevant measures. Let us look at the significant safety measures a site owner must implement:
Subscribe To The Security Newsletter
Being updated about vital security news is the first step towards protection. Subscribing to
Drupal’s security newsletters will keep you regularly updated about security updates, any recently found vulnerabilities and risks, and patch releases. The newsletter can be subscribed in the my newsletter tab.
Pay Attention To Security Releases
Security releases are software releases which play a critical role in maintaining site safety. Thus, whenever there is a security release of the Drupal core, modules or theme, website owners must pay attention and hire a Drupal Developer to install and configure the software release. It is important to note that availability of security updates of modules and theme can be found in the ‘available update’ report, which can be accessed in the reports tab of the admin dashboard.
Regularly Check If Website Components Have Been Hacked
Keeping a check if any of your website components have been meddled with is also an effective measure of safety maintenance. The Hacked module checks if your website’s theme and core or contributed modules have been changed. Additionally, it indicates the exact lines which have been changed. While the module is a good tool to check if your website components have been hacked or not, it cannot be used for a production (live) website. For a production site, the File Integrity Check module must be deployed. It reports potential backdoors, modified files, and files which have been removed from the site. These detections can be used by a Drupal Programmer to make necessary changes to your site’s code and thus, make your site safe again.